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Lily Lwin

Lily Lwin

Mahidol University, Thailand

Title: Measuring Effect of Betel Quid Chewing on Occurrence of Oral Submucous Fibrosis in Myanmar: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study


Biography: Lily Lwin


Objective: This hospital based case-control study carried out in Yangon and Mandalay cities of Myanmar aimed to measure the effect of betel quid chewing habit on occurrence of oral sub-mucous fibrosis (OSMF) patients attending dental services. This study would like to present about the usage and effect of betel quid chewing habit related with OSMF in Myanmar people where compositions of betel quid and the way of consumption differ from other regions in south Asia.

Method: This matched case-control study was carried out in out-patient department (OPD) of 3 teaching hospitals located in Yangon and Mandalay. One case of oral sub-mucous fibrosis patient matched with 4 control patients by sex, age (equal or ±2 year difference) and hospital site. A total recruitment included 48 cases and 183 controls who attended the OPD in these three hospitals within the defined period from 2014 to 2016. Secondary data collection and additional interviewing process was undertaken in April 2016. Multilevel logistic regression was applied to estimate the effect of betel quid chewing on occurrence of OSMF after adjusted for relevant confounders.

Results: The betel quid chewing habit was predominant by male patients between the age ranges of 21 and 57. Buddhists were the most common among cases. Majority of the OSMF cases were occupied by married and indicated low socio-economic status. After adjusted for confounders, betel quid chewing was estimated to increase the risk of OSMF by 81 times when compared to those without this oral habit. Freshly prepared betel quid with the usage of ‘92’ (local trade name) compound and tobacco were practiced most commonly among the OSMF patients. The clinical diagnosis of most of the OSMF cases was found in the second clinical stage with the lesions occurring in both sides of the buccal mucosa.

Conclusion: Betel quid chewing habit is the major causative oral habit for the occurrence of oral sub-mucous fibrosis. According to the results obtained, public encouragement to quit the betel quid chewing habit in the community by the campaigns at the national policy level should be suggested.