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Tine Martina Winarti

Tine Martina Winarti

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia

Title: The assessment quality of life for geriatric patient: Pre and post-insertion of complete denture


Biography: Tine Martina Winarti


Quality of Life (QoL) of a patient relates to the satisfaction their denture. Geriatric patient who are well satisfi ed with their daily lives, usually also satisfi ed with their complete denture. Th is study was conducted to assess the QoL pre- and postcomplete denture insertion using a validated Malay language version of Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) by single interviewer. It focuses on functional limitation, oro-facial pain, psychological and behavioral impact among patient attended USIM Polyclinic. A sample was taken from 22 edentulous patients and the new denture will be prepared by third year dental students. Th e data comprised of 54.5% male and 45.5% female. Th e mean age was 64.45±5.63 year. Th e QoL of geriatric patient pre-insertion was mostly aff ected in oral function. Th e highest mean for pre-insertion (baseline data) was in functional limitation with mean score 3.18 (SD=1.71) for the problem in chewing. Th e lowest baseline mean recorded were 0.59 (SD=1.18) and 0.59 (SD=0.96) for limitation of contact with people and the used of medication to relieve pain, respectively. Overall, QoL for post-insertion within one to two months was improved. Th e statistical signifi cance with Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank test, pre and 
post-insertion were in oral function (3.18±1.71 and 2.09±1.74, p value=0.03) and psychological impact (2.45±1.26 and 3.50±1.27, p value=0.01). Th e highest changes mean score was in psychological impact with score 1.05. As a conclusion, the placement of complete denture in edentulous patient increase QoL among geriatric patients.