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Tine Martina Winarti

Tine Martina Winarti

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Malaysia

Title: The quality of life geriatric edentulous patient assessed by using GOHAI


Biography: Tine Martina Winarti


Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) is a 12-item measuring the impact of oral conditions on the Quality of Life (QoL) of dental patients. The aim of this study was to assess the QoL geriatric edentulous patient using a validated Malay language version of GOHAI focusing on functional limitation, oro-facial pain, psychological and behavioral impact among patients attending USIM Polyclinic. Fifty-seven (57) geriatric edentulous and partially dentate patients to be treated in polyclinic USIM were recruited as subjects (n=57) where 52.6% male and 47.4% female. The mean age was 64.69±6.19 year. The data showed that 56.1% (n=32) of the sample were fully edentulous and 47.4% (n=27) is wearing complete denture. 43.9% (n=25) of them were partially dentate and 29.8% (n=17) is wearing partial denture. The highest mean for GOHAI was in functional limitation with mean score 3.34 (SD=1.60) for the problem in chewing. The lowest mean was 0.44 (SD=0.84) for the use of medication to relieve the pain. However, the highest mean for partially dentate was in ease to swallow with mean score 3.32 (SD=1.63). The lowest mean recorded was 0.40 (SD=1.00) for the use of medication to relieve pain. In conclusion, the QoL for the fully edentulous and partially dentate patient was different at the highest mean and similar in the lowest mean. The QoL of geriatric edentulous patient was improved after receiving denture.